“Coat Guy” Livingston Philanthropies Still Collecting Coats and Toiletries


“Coat Guy” Livingston Philanthropies Still Collecting Coats and Toiletries

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By Jeff Friedman Editor’s Note: Livingston resident Jeff “the Coat Guy” Friedman, founder and director of Livingston Philanthropies, updates readers on the seasonal coat and toiletries drive. Livingston’s continued generosity and the stalwart work of Livingston Philanthropies volunteers continued their work to provide for the poor, homeless and disenfranchised. Volunteers were able to distribute toiletries gift bags at St. John’s Soup Kitchen and Women’s Center in Newark. That’s because a wonderful Livingston resident left brand new women’s evening bags at the offices of the West Essex Tribune, our partner.  They were a big hit at St. John’s. Karen, my wife and toiletries gift bag maker, stuffed the bags with assorted toiletries and similar items. As always, while creating gift bags, the volume of toiletry and cosmetic items transform our house into a virtual olfactory garden show. Volunteer Joyce Friedman, my sister-in-law, made another trip to St. John’s Food Pantry, part of the huge St. John’s operation in Newark. She brought her grandson, Will, and his friend Aidan, who wanted to assist stocking the shelves once again, and also created 50 toiletries gift bags for distribution along the food line.   The total amount of coats donated so far stands at 1,723. Livingston volunteers Tara Bristow and Neil Greco kept the “stock” rolling during my recent vacation. Each visited the Tribune offices for pick-up and delivery to Coat Drive Center (my garage) while I was away. Upon my return, I was thrilled to have enough for two immediate deliveries.   We visited our good friend Luis Martinez at Willing Heart Community Care Center in Newark to donate warm coats and clothing for the family. Yes, it’s still cold out there, especially on the streets or somewhere without adequate heat. Just in time for the last Nor’easter, longtime Livingston volunteer, Candi Samanski, delivered winter coats and accessories to Bessie Green Community/North Reformed Church, also in Newark, on the  other side of town on Broad Street near NJPAC. Please remember; “If you see something, buy something (for the homeless).” And, if staying in a hotel for a business trip or vacation, those small toiletry items are exactly what’s needed right now. No time to drop at the Tribune? I offer private pick-up at one’s convenience. To offer a contemplative thought this week, I’m sharing the words of Rabindranath Tagore, who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. “Life is given to ...

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