St. Philomena’s Eighth Graders Collect Donations for Homeless

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St. Philomena’s Eighth Graders Collect Donations for Homeless

St. Philomena’s Eighth Graders Collect Donations for Homeless

Eighth grade students in St. Philomena’s religious education program collected donations to help families in need at Catholic Charities’ Newark Shelters. The students designed and coordinated this activity that gathered hygiene products, since they are not included in food stamp programs.They recently went to the doors of the church to collect items before and after Masses. The collection resulted in a van fully-loaded with greatly needed products.The students wrote to the parish “We, the confirmation class of 2022, are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support and generosity from our beautiful parish in our hygiene drive benefiting the homeless shelters of Catholic Charities. With your help, we collected 245 toothbrushes, 207 tubes of toothpaste, 58 bottles of mouthwash, 43 packs of dental floss, 22 boxes of Band-Aids, 256 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, 36 bottles of hand and body lotion, 101 sticks of deodorant, 440 bars of soap, 25 bottles of body wash, 68 combs and brushes, 55 packages of disposable razors, 38 cans of shaving cream, 94 face cloths, 68 body sponges, 49 packages of feminine products, 41 packs of Q -Tips and cotton wipes, 15 packages of baby wipes and diapers, 35 new towels, 51 boxes of tissues, 150 pairs of new socks, multiple boxes of masks and hand sanitizer, multiple packs of crayons, several miscellaneous toys, stuffed animals and other personal items. Together, we have made a difference in the lives of so many people. A profound thank you to all.”John Westervelt, CEO of Catholic Charities wrote his personal appreciation for the “15 large packed boxes, two extra large plastic bags and 15 tote bags filled with a wonderful assortment of much-needed personal care items. We are most appreciative for your efforts in engaging the St. Philomena community to support our service to those most in need.”The items will help the organization provide assistance to many, particularly since Catholic Charities recently opened another shelter in Newark.

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